Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Every website worth it's salt has an "FAQ" section, so I figured it was time for The Boring Things in Life to have its own "FAQ" section.  After wading through "billions and billions" of questions, I have narrowed it down to the most "FA" ones. And here they are:

Yes, seriously! We strive for excellence, 'Because Boring Is the New Interesting'™.

Why do you write about boring things?
While the rest of Blogging and "Internet" world wastes thousands upon billions of hours searching for "exciting" things to talk about, only to find that they have already been talked about by someone else, all of us here at The Boring Things take a different approach, best remembered by this handy acronym:
R eally
E very
A rtist
L ives
I n
T he
R estaurant
As you can see, this spells, "REALITR". And what do you get when you trade the 'R' at the end for a 'Y'? That's right: reality.

Why doesn't this site have an FAQ?
Yes it does.

Almost every time I read your blog, I feel like I wasted 5 minutes of my life. Is this normal?
No it is not normal you are clearly a freak.  If The Boring Things was such a waste then clearly YOU HAVE NO TASTE AND PROBABLY NO FRIENDS.

Weren't you a little harsh on that last questioner?
Yes. S/he asked the wrong question at a very volatile time period in my life, and I am already in a very fragile state of mind.

Have you spoken to a counselor about this?
I have thought about it. Do you think I should?

Yes, it might help. When I was fired from my job four years ago I entered a dark place and it took a lot of time and counseling to come out of it. But eventually I did.
Thanks, I'll give that some thought.

Is it true that The Boring Things in Life was originally going to be a TV show?
Yes, it is! But after much consideration, we realized that the "online blog" format was better suited to The Boring Things, and Tom Selleck was "just not interested at all in your project." Well the joke is on him because his sentence structure is clearly flawed.

Well, that's all the FAQing we have time for now!


Anonymous said...


Joe said...

The meaning of life.

NoJGenny said...

I had a question but the FAQs answered it. Thanks.

Joe said...

NoJGenny: you are very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very welcome!