Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baconnaise makes America better than Sweden? Yes!

Wyatt Cenac of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" recently traveled to Sweden to talk about the merits of socialism with the leading socialist leader in Sweden, and they compared virtues of Swedish society to the benefits of American society.

What was Cenac's trump card against the godless, government-loving, IKEA smoking uber-liberal? That's right: Baconnaise. This Swede couldn't even believe his eyes.

The Boring Things' has created an unstoppable monster. See for yourself:

Oh, and ABC World News Tonight did a story yesterday on the founders of Baconnaise and the company's success: 'Bacontrepreneurs' Building Bacon Empire


Joe said...

Truly, a phenomenon.

Anonymous said...

Nice site, nice and easy on the eyes and great content too.