Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bailout Blowout Sale!

With all the talk of "bailouts" pervading the news today, it is only natural that companies, large and small, have decided to incorporate this word into their everyday sales jargon.  "2-for-1 Burger Bailout!", "Bailout Bargain Deal", "Bailout Sale of the Century," etc.  I have bad news for advertisers. This doesn't not work on any level.

             Sorry Domino's, you lose.
The bailouts are something that the majority of Americans have been AGAINST. Associating your product with something that is widely unpopular is ill-advised ("It's the Great Outdoors Bush Mission Accomplished Sale!").

Now, obviously they're trying to make the average consumer idiot-douchebag think, "Gee! 'Bout time someone bailed ME out with that buy-one-get-one burger sale!" or "I deserved that bailout sale set of sheets from Kohls!" But, guess wha... hrm, well actually that might work on the average consumer idiot-douchebag.

The final point is that these "bailouts" by stores do not parallel at all with actual U.S. government bailouts. For an accurate parallel, two things would have to apply:
1) The "bailouts" would ONLY be offered to consumers who spend and budget unfathomably irresponsibly.
2) The store "giving" the "bailout" would have to itself be failing and in debt.


Anonymous said...

Yes. Typical idiot douchebag consumers are flocking in droves to these types of sales, instead of saving their money, and without realizing that the same sales were taking place previously, just not as shamelessly manipulatively marketed. Well done, US corporations. You are truly giants among hated corporations.

brian said...

Yeah, the word 'bailout' just makes me think of being forced to pay for someone else's inefficient business practices. Indeed, that is poor advertising.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness. Speaking of pizza companies using the word "bailout" Dominos accidentally gave away 11,000 free pizzas because customers used the promotional coupon code "BAILOUT"

Joe said...

They completely deserved that for using that for using that word in their promotions.