Thursday, March 26, 2009

UNR and the City of Reno Hate Me

In typical thoughtful UNR/Reno fashion, the City of Reno decided that Spring Break would be a great time to change formerly-free neighborhood parking to "Residential Permit Only" parking. Great. Just great. Now, instead of a five minute walk to campus, it's a 20-minute walk. All because I refuse to pay the ridiculous price of $300/year just to park.

What really irks me about the whole thing, though, is that they chose Spring Break to restrict the parking: right in the middle of the semester. Had they done it at the beginning of the semester, students could have gone ahead and purchased a pass (if they so chose). Now, we have the choice of long-walk or pay for a full semester of parking for half a semester's parking.

So, I have a few options:
1. Leave my house 50 minutes before class (15 minutes to drive there, 10 minutes to find one of the few remaining free spaces, and 20 minutes to walk to class and arrive 5 minutes early).
2. Park in the "Silver" parking zone until I get the $30 ticket (I once parked for half a semester in a Silver zone before I finally got the ticket).
3. Buy a moped and still have to leave 50 minutes before class, but with 40 minutes driving, 5 walking.

There's a fourth option also but it would be foolish of me to post that option on the internet, just in case I decide to use that option.


Anonymous said...

Putting up signs during Spring Break as a welcome surprise for all returning students? Well played, City of Reno. If you're going to be a dick, dickish surprises are always the best.

Why the hell are the times restricted to 8am-5pm. If people who live in those neighborhoods are at work from 8-5, then why the hell do those streets need to be restricted? Restrict parking on your neighborhood streets from 5pm-8am, to keep hooligans away from your homes and so you have a nice open street upon which to park your motor carriage when arriving home from work.

I hope your alternative plan is to either knock over these signs, or steal a parking pass. I approve of both.

Joe said...

Stealing a parking pass is simply too risky...

NoJGenny said...

Hey, consider it a free gym membership.

Anonymous said...

Well, we all knew it was going to happen. It just sucks that they chose the middle of the semester to do it - "Surprise! No parking, sucka'!"

Joe said...

If I recall it was during Spring Break last year that they first closed off Jodi Way... those rats.