Friday, March 6, 2009

The Hazards of Catching Up

We all like watching certain TV shows. Sure. And when we can get into a groove (ie watch the season as it occurs) it's fairly pleasant to follow a few shows you like.

But then, alas! Curse thee! The catchup. "Yeah I heard about it a while back but...." and then "I just started watching Damages and it is blowing my mind!" and then, "wait there's only one season?" "No, the second season just started,"

"You... you mean... I... I have to wait a week for a new episode?????!??!? EVERY week??!??!"

If you were on the "bandwagon" from the beginning, it's easy to wait for your beloved episode each week. It's like a present every week. But if you had to Catchup! with the current season then you are used to a much faster pace and it will take some time to get used to having to wait a week for each new episode.


Anonymous said...

Ahh even in the age of the Internet we can still be in the grips of weekly programming... Unless you're disorganized enough to not be able to keep up, making spring break and summers only available to "catching up" on entire seasons, making life that much better. And even when I'm all "caught up," I still have vast collections of treaure from the 70s, 80s, and 90s waiting to be seen.

Plus, I have 100's of Simpsons epsiodes post-season 12 that I've never seen (many that I hope to never see) that will always be waiting, as The Simpsons will never die.

Anonymous said...

As ashamed as I am, I've begun watching South Park episodes. They're not amazing, but it's something to pass the time until new seasons of everything amazing comes out.