Monday, May 4, 2009

Amateur Top 5, that's what

So apparently, the jokers at some little crappy website no one has ever heard of (, or something like that) have decided that they have the wisdom, knowledge, and ability to name the "Top 5" villains in Star Trek history. (Link here) That's right: in ALL of Star Trek history. This is not an impossible task, but they didn't do the best job.
So, in the rich and extensive history of Star Trek, who did they pick as the top 5 villains?
Khan Noonien Singh (better known as "Khan"), The Borg, Kevin Uxbridge, Weyoun, and The Vidiians.

One of their choices was definitely correct, one was possibly correct, and the other three were simply INcorrect.  Here are the REAL "Top 5" villains of Star Trek:

1. The Borg. There's nothing more intimidating than a giant cube that will immediately adapt to any attacks you throw its way, with the ultimate goal of stealing your individuality and bringing you into the Hive.

2. The Romulans. Although in later series the Romulans played a less-significant role, they continue to be amongst the best villains in the Star Trek universe. Who can resist the bad side of Vulcans that the Romulans represent?

3. The Clown. If you don't remember The Clown (aka Fear) from the episode "The Thaw" of Star Trek: Voyager, then you didn't see the episode. The world of fear and torment created by The Clown made for one of the most (if not THE most) unforgettable Voyager episodes.

4. Q. How does Q not get included on ANYBODY's list of the Top 5 villains of Star Trek? Sure, he was certainly one of the less "threatening" (he usually didn't do TOO much harm) villains, but nonetheless, the omnipotent Q was always a force for Picard (and later Sisko and Janeway) to reckon with.

5. Khan. Simply because he's a classic, but perhaps more because of the terrifying ceti eels he employed.

(Dis)Honorable Mention: Captain Jonathan Archer / Scott Bakula: for successfully (almost) killing one of the longest-running franchises in television history.

The man who almost killed Star Trek.


Anonymous said...


Btw, I suggest torrenting and reading "Countdown" before seeing the new movie this week. Nero and Spock's relationship prior to the film is explained in depth, and it looks to make Nero a more well-rounded villain than just some crazy tattooed Romulan flying around in his specially modified ship shouting about killing Spock and the Federation.

Anonymous said...

The fact that I never saw Q in DS9 with Sisko or remember The Clown makes me want all the DVDs, now. I can't think of a more productive use of my summer than watching every Star Trek episode, ever. In order. Even Enterprise.

Joe said...

Definitely a worthy use of a summer. That actually is a really good idea: every Star Trek episode and movie, watched in order their release date.

11 AM: Get up, shower, pick up Taco Bell.
12 PM-6PM: watch Star Trek.
6PM-6:30PM: pick up more Taco Bell.
6:30PM-12:30AM: watch Star Trek.
12:30AM-1AM: pick up Fourth Meal.
1AM-3AM: watch Star Trek.
3AM-11AM: sleep.

Repeat every day until every second of Star Trek that ever existed has been seen.

brian said...

Surely Species 8472 or the Hirogens deserve some kind of mention!

Joe said...

Yes, both of those species would definitely make a Top 10 list. Although, actually, maybe not the Hirogens... remember they were simply living out their long-standing cultural tradition of "the hunt."

Anonymous said...

But they were awesome hunters. Didn't their ships have flesh hanging from the rafters?

Joe said...

Yes, they were awesome hunters. But remember, defeating them was easy: all you had to do was make yourself easy prey so that there was no "pride" in hunting you. Plus, in the end they ended up hunting in holo-programs, if I remember correctly.