Thursday, May 21, 2009

I ♥ Iowa

OK, I admit it. I've been sucked in. The small town charm, the rustic buildings. Winterset, Iowa has it all. I really, really like this town (and this state). But, I still don't want to live here.

Living in a small town would certainly have its advantages and disadvantages.
Advantage: Everybody knows you.
Disadvantage: Everybody knows you.

I'll post a video of the actual covered bridges here in Madison County. Apparently, if you:
A: Have an IQ below 80.
B: Have a marker or pen or knife
and C: think (keyword here) you have something to say, you are qualified to write a message on one or all of the bridges. That exciting video (with commentary!) coming soon.


Anonymous said...

I always thought Madison County and the famous covered bridges were somewhere in the northeast, like Vermont.

The Boring Things in Life: Teaching rudimentary geography lessons since 2009

Joe said...

the more you know...