Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wash it Down (it's all sweet)

The new thing in colas is "real sugar."  Pepsi, after attempting this with a small-scale distribution of "Pepsi Natural" (which doesn't taste good), has now come out "Pepsi Throwback." With "Throwback" they've given up on the "all-natural" thing, and instead are jumping on the "real sugar" bandwagon. 

The word has gotten out: high-fructose corn syrup = "bad." Real sugar = "good." This, actually, is the extent of the majority of the general public's knowledge of the real sugar vs. corn syrup debate. "I try to avoid high-fructose corn syrup and just stick with good ol' sugar,"
"Because high fructose corn syrup is bad for you."
Here's a news flash: real sugar is just as happy to make you fat as high-fructose corn syrup. However, I will admit: it does taste better and doesn't "coat" your mouth like HFCS does.

So here's the basic "evidence" behind the horribleness of HFCS:
1. It not a "natural" product (it's made by a chemical process)
2. It is the most common sweetener/preservative in most food today.
3. Americans, who consume tons of HFCS, are fat.

It'll be funny to see when Americans switch their calories from HFCS to sugar and find that they are still fat.

Here's a good article on the topic:


Anonymous said...

I wonder how Daniel Plainview would compare HFC to natural sugar... I mean, HFC is thick and sticky like oil and certainly profitable, but natural sugar comes from the ground off sugarcane, and oil comes from the ground. I think then, it would have to come down to which sweeter made milkshakes taste the best...

Joe said...

Daniel plainview would, no doubt, prefer the thick sticky and profitable HFCS, especially because it is currently unpopular, and he does what he wants.

Anonymous said...

Mountain Dew Throwback to accompany Pepsi Throwback

Now, THIS I will have to try.

Joe said...

Mmmm I agree. Mountain Dew made with real sugar sounds absolutely delectable. And a nice retro bottle design to boot.