Monday, May 4, 2009

Psssh that dream was totally unrealistic

I don't have dreams very often, and when I do I typically have absolutely no recollection of the dream's content. However, the following dream (which I had last night), I can remember perfectly, and I have to say: it is completely unrealistic.

First, I'm standing around looking through the medicine aisle in Wal-Mart. Why? I don't know. I somehow come across a box of expired medicine (as in, 5 years expired) and decide that they should have to give it to me for free since it's expired. Sure enough, the pharmacist gives the go-ahead.  
For some reason, I decide to take the individual medicines out of their outer boxes and only take the inner containers with me. I walk to the entrance, where the "greeter", an attractive (attractive in a "regular person who's not ugly" sort of way) girl, says "Have a good night!", to which I reply, "You too!" 
Then, she quickly rushes to the door just as I'm about to leave and says, "Um, so what's going down in the 'hood tonight?"  She seems uneasy. 
"Oh, the pharmacist said I could take this for free because it's expired," I replied, indicating the medicines I was carrying. She looks relieved.
"Do you mind if I check?" she says.
"Sure, go ahead," I said. Then we found that the inner containers did not have the expiration dates on them. "Well, you wanna go back inside and check the outer boxes?" I said.
"Yes, let's go."  So we headed back into the store towards the boxes. At this point the dream abruptly ended.

There are so very many unrealistic elements to this dream:
1) Even Wal-Mart would not still have medicine on its shelves that was 5 years out of date.
2) If they did, they certainly wouldn't give it away (or sell it) to an individual who pointed out that it was expired.
3) Why would I want expired medicine?
4) I have never seen a Wal-Mart greeter who was slightly attractive (not to say that they're all "ugly", necessarily... more that I've just never, ever seen one who I would consider "attractive.")
5) Wal-Mart greeters would no doubt not give a crap if you were walking out with apparently "stolen" product. Except for the hyper-vigilant ones who take their job as a greeter/loss-prevention-specialist extremely seriously.
6) Medicines all have the expiration on the outer AND inner packages.

Perhaps the most disturbing part of this dream, however, was that I dreamed I was in Wal-Mart. What kind of a sick mind spends their dreaming hours being in Wal-Mart, of all places? It's a dream! Why couldn't I have been in a classier place? It's not like money is an object in the dream world. Sheesh. I want my dream-time back.


Anonymous said...

It makes perfect sense, as long as you planned to take the expired medicine and use it as evidence in a lawsuit against Wal*Mart so that you could be the proud owner of a pile of $270 million.

Joe said...

Ah I see now. You are the Joseph to my Pharaoh.

lolwutdj said...

Who dreams about picking up women in Wal-Mart, honestly.

I go to the Dollar Store.

brian said...

Hey, at least you didn't dream you were in Factory-2-U. Who knows what kinds of weird things could happen there.

Joe said...

Oh there are certainly worse stores I could have been in... the Dollar Store, Factory 2-U, Big Lots, the Valley Market (that store is seriously scary).

In Factory 2-U I probably would have been looking for sweaters.

djlol? said...

I don't know if it's still open, but I remember there was a baseball card shop off Plumb that was called Zee's Sports THAT would've been a hell of a place to meet a woman. Because I think the only person ever even in the shop was Zee.

Joe said...

Hahaha it's so funny that you mention that place. When I first moved here to Reno in 1999 I used to collect basketball cards. I especially liked this old player from the 70's, Bob McAdoo.

I went in there once and said, "Do you have any Bob McAdoo cards?" The dude (Zee) got this disgusted look on his face and said, "No," angrily. He was a cranky old bastard. I never went back but the experience lives with me to this day.