Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nobody's Favorite, Part 1

So thinking about Stephen Baldwin earlier reminded me of the extremely crappy 2000 "prequel" to the 1994 Flintstones movie, known as The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. Naturally, I thought of this based on S. Baldwin's crappy role as Barney Rubble in this very crappy movie.

Thinking of this crappy movie made me start to think: is The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas anybody's favorite movie? The answer, I believe (after careful analysis), is "no."

Which leads us into a "series" of posts (which will simply be posted as I or Ben think of them, as an ever-continuing series found exclusively here, on theboringthings.com) about things that are definitely nobody's favorite. Nobody in the world.

There are three basic categories that movies/shows/actors/etc. will be classed into:
1. Nobody's favorite. To qualify for this category, the things in question cannot be ANYBODY's favorite in the world at ANY given time. This is the "ultimate loser" category.
EXAMPLE: the movie Dark Romances Volume 2 is nobody's favorite movie. Ever.

2. Always somebody's favorite. These are things that are probably always, at some point in time, somebody in the world's favorite. However, typically these things are only a transient favorite, meaning it may be somebody's "favorite" at a certain phase in their lives, but not on a permanent basis. Because there are so many people in the world, at any given time someone will have this as their "favorite" item (in whatever category, ie actor/movie/show/etc.).
EXAMPLE: Actress Kristen Johnston (recently in Bride Wars) is likely, at any given time, to be at least somebody's favorite actress.

3. Somebody's favorite. Like #2, this actor/show/movie/etc. is always somebody in the world's favorite. This means that this item has at least ONE person in the world for whom this is their more or less "permanent" favorite, ie it is always somebody's favorite, and not necessarily on a rotational basis.
EXAMPLE: the movie Fight Club is somebody's favorite movie

So now, for this first edition of "Nobody's Favorite":

ANALYSIS: As a part of the Flintstones franchise, this movie would, at first glance, seem to be an "Alway's Somebody's Favorite" movie. This, however, is not the case. Why? The first live-action Flintstones movie from 1994 is head and shoulders above this "prequel." So if someone is, indeed, a "die-hard" Flintstones fan, their favorite movie will the 1994 edition or one of the cartoon ones. What about actors? Although this movie does contain a few actors who could potentially fall in the "Always Somebody's Favorite" (such as Kristen Johnston) or even (possibly) "Somebody's Favorite" (Stephen Baldwin), those actors are in other movies/shows which would bump out The Flinstones in Viva Rock Vegas as the actor-fan's "favorite" movie.
CONCLUSION: The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas is nobody's favorite movie.


Anonymous said...

After a couple of O'Douls and some Cheesy Beefy Burritos I could always be persuaded to say almost anything is my favorite.... and THAT should be the true litmus test, and I can say with certainty after several burritos that this is absolutely true: this film is nobody's favorite!

Joe said...

"...after a couple of O'Douls and some Cheesy Beefy Burritos..."


Yes indeed, this movie is nobody's favorite.

NoJGenny said...

What about those somebodies that are nobodies?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps an analysis on "Munchies" snack mix, or "The Venture Brothers"

? YEAH?!