Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Drug of the Day: Noscapine

One of the least well-known yet possibly-significant of the alkaloids of the opium poppy is called noscapine (formerly known as narcotine). In the research done thus far, noscapine has been shown to be not only a very safe cough suppressant (safer even than the more common dextromethorphan), but also shows promise for being effective in treating cancer and stroke.

More information on this potentially-great drug can be found here.

Also a good article on the prostate-cancer-fighting possibilities of noscapine.


Anonymous said...

Look into the disease-fighting powers of Tetrahydrocannabinol


and see if it can't be manufactured in a lab

Joe said...

you hippie you

btw I agree. The medical industry should be more open to certain "blacklisted" medicines.

THC can be manufactured in a lab... but it's way way cheaper to obtain it from a naturally-growing hardy family of cannabis plants.

Why do you think none of the drug companies are exploring it's pharmaceutical values? Because they cannot easily put a chokehold on the manufacturing of the chemical and therefore they won't make enormous profits.

Because, after all, medicine is about profit, not saving lives or helping people.

NoJGenny said...

Now that's boring.

NoJGenny said...

In a good way.

Anonymous said...

My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!