Monday, January 19, 2009

Two Quarters and a Nickel

Two quarters and one nickel. That's what I have sitting on my desk (among other, less mundane things). The quarters are dated 2004 and 2008, while the nickel is dated 1971.

What happened in 2004? I'll tell you what happened: in 2004, North Korea banned mobile phones. That was just one of MANY of the exciting events of 2004. Most believe this move was motivated by the fact that mobile phones are often used for the insidious task of communication, but they are incorrect. Mobile phones were in fact banned in order to stifle the growth of mobile phone advertisements. After multiple riots involving the burning of effigies resembling the Verizon "can you hear me now" glasses guy, the ban was put into place merely to keep the peace. If you don't believe me look it up. 

In 2008, Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines merged, forming the largest commercial carrier in the world. Oh and some black guy was elected president of the U.S.

In 1971, radio and television advertisements for cigarettes were banned. Now you may be thinking, "Surely this terrible intrusion on our first amendment rights has been overturned!" Oh really? Ask yourself: what was the last ad you heard on radio or saw on television for cigarettes?


Anonymous said...

I have two coins that add up to $0.30

One of them isn't a nickel. What are my two coins?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the first amendment, you should put more shmexy pictures on your blog.

Joe said...

Ben: a quarter and a nickel. Oh ho! That one may have taken the Janitor for a ride, but I've heard that one before!

Brian: You're right. This blog needs more schmexyness.