Friday, January 30, 2009

Make the most prominant black man in the world... your pet

This website, which was running ads on Facebook and probably still is, highlights why I will never get ahead in this world. I have decency. Yet I also WANT what these shameless hucksters are shilling. Gosh I should have gone into marketing. There is too much for me to spew about my hatred and sick admiration for ideas such as these, and late at night after a large dark frothy beverage keeps my argument from being as strong as I would prefer, so I'll let the "company" and its product speak for itself.

My Pet Barock

You can *win* your very own piece of 1980s kitsch, and celebrate current events at the same time.

My favorite designs?


Joe said...

Talk about the lowest-overhead business ever.

I understand your feelings. So much disregard for keeping things "respectful"... and yet... so much marketing genius. The most distasteful ideas in the world... made appealing.

It is a conundrum.

Joe said...

I hear Barack is going to include a special chapter on gimmicks and gadgets adorned with his likeness in his next book (rumored to be an autobiographical work entitled, "I Had a Dream and Know Why the Caged Bird Sings: My Life, My Legacy"...)