Friday, January 23, 2009

Tragedy of Living

I have no money, and therefore need to work.

But I don't like to work as much as I need to work.

As soon as replicators and holodecks are invented the only thing that will occur is the manufacture of holodecks and replicators. Eventually humanity will die off as people live out their empty lives on holodecks. That's when the Borg will crush us.


NoJGenny said...

That is so deep! Money, the Borg, it's all interrelated. I am so glad I discovered this awesome well of wisdom.

Joe said...

And the well is deep, indeed.

Anonymous said...

I would abuse the hell out of replicators and holodecks. You better hope that all the destruction I cause will actually be taking place within a holodeck so it will not actually be real, otherwise "I Will Be Legend."

Joe said...

Ben you may have stumbled upon a deep point. If holodecks existed, would it be the end of crime? After all, everyone would be living out their fantasy world of no consequences and no boundaries.

Then when the hard drives crash we are left with a world full of sociopaths.

Anonymous said...

Yes, with holodecks, the television would die out. Then, instead of having to wait for reality shows to come on, people could live out their misanthropic fantasies as often as they like.

Anonymous said...

Personally I'm still waiting for the virtual reality gadget that has someone else touch me.

Joe said...

n00b... you clearly have no clue what holodecks are.

Anonymous said...

n00b? Doubleuteeff, I'm not a n00b, I was simply commenting on the general topic of technology and leisure, not holodecks specifically. Is this a Communist blog? Or am I allowed Freedom of Type here?

Joe said...

In Communist blog, blog comments on YOU...

hmmmmm... perhaps this IS a Communist blog.

But, I digress, naturally you are allowed Freedom of Type here. Your comment wasn't deleted, was it?

lulz n00b

Anonymous said...

Thatguy, I didn't make the assumption that your comment showed ignorance of holodeck technology. Rather, it was not amusing or insightful, and therefore useless.

Judging your comment based on its "value" is about as capitalist it gets.

Joe said...

What Ben said is the Gospel truth.

Anonymous said...

So you admit, you are indeed a Capitalist pig? As am I, which is what makes this country so wonderful.

However I did not intend for my comment to be "amusing" or "insightful." Honestly, any comment in regards to a man "touching himself" is more a cry of desperation out of utter loneliness and should be seen as a cry for help.

LFLove in all the wrong blogs.

Joe said...

Is this DJ commenting for the lulz?