Wednesday, January 28, 2009

On this day in history...

On this day in the late 1980s, a man of great stature, popularity, and intellect was born (he was born with all these things from day one). His name was Joseph [Harold] Pringle.

Other figures who share this honored birthday include Elijah Wood, Nick Carter, and Joey Fatone.

If Joe were to ever have the distinction of dying on the date of his birth, he would share a "death day" with the famous King Henry VIII, who died ceremoniously of syphilis.


Joe said...

You know, that list may have been compiled in order to point out that I share a characteristic with those gentlemen (heartthrob) but in fact I would give Elijah Wood a slightly more noble rating as he has been in some decent flicks in recent years, such as Paris Je T'aime, Eternal Sunshine [etc], Day Zero, Everything is Illuminated, and Sin City.

Similar to King Henry VIII, I too am the King of the my own domain. Unlike Henry, I have not yet had the privilege of contracting any STDs.

Anonymous said...

Or... perhaps the connection is that you are hobbit-like in appearance and behavior, while you have incredible dance moves and a great falsetto singing voice.

Anonymous said...

I think I could see myself having a hobbit as a pet/slave. When I own a home, I want someone to do all the sh*t work, like mowing the yard, weeding, cleaning the gutters, unclogging the toilet, doing my dishes. And if this pet/slave could also be hard-working, amiable, have an accent, and enjoy large quantities of beer, then all the better. He'd have to take his pipe outside though, none of that in my house.

Anonymous said...

I'm starving. I need some lembas bread.

Joe said...

or perhaps some nice crispy bacon...aise?

Anonymous said...

I think Baconaise is going to be the real-world equivalent of lembas bread. Because you only need a little to fill you up. Forever. Because after one serving, you'll never eat anything else ever again.

I'm going to die.

But it will be for a good cause: bacon.

I believe it was General Oscar Meyer who said "I can think of no greater and more honorable death than death by meat."

Joe said...

Yes but technically yours would be death by meat spread... which is a step below death by 7-11 hot dogs.

Joe said...

which are, by the way, delicious.

Joe said...

somehow all our comments end up talking about Baconnaise.

Anonymous said...

It's all my mind can focus on until the day it arrives.

However, 7-11 breakfast taquitos are also delicious, and I can have them anytime I want.