Sunday, January 25, 2009

Got a Light?

When did smoking become unfashionable? Was it the lung cancer, throat cancer, what? People used to just look so cool smoking. "Got a light?" Dean-O will give you one! And a glass of wine or a martini! So what, we have to pick? "Look cool, or save your lungs," "Have a good time, or save your liver," blah blah blah. Ignorance is bliss, to be sure.


Anonymous said...

Even the Flintstones thought smoking was fun and glamorous.

Joe said...

Exactly! Where did our societal moral compass go astray?

Anonymous said...

I think it was the day the Marlboro man died, and some douche had the audacity to ask "What killed him? It couldn't have been all that smoking, could it?"

Joe said...

Kids these days don't know when to shut up and respect the dead. The Marlboro man was a legend of smoking coolness. Unlike Joe Camel (who was merely a cheap ploy to make smoking appealing to youngsters), the Marlboro man was the honest representation of the smoker as the working-class American, rugged and strong, cigarette in hand.