Sunday, April 17, 2011

Walking Home from the Pick-n-Pull

So, remember that last blog where I said I found an original Mercedes First Aid Kit box? Well, when I took it up to the front, the clerk looked at it, and then looked at me like, "WTH do you want me to do with this?" so I said,
"How much..." to which he cut me off and said, "Have a nice day."
"Thank you!" I was happy that the trip to the junkyard hadn't been a total waste.

So walking home, it's a fairly busy road with no sidewalk, so I just had to walk all the way on the outside edge of the street. As cars zoomed by me, and I couldn't help but think how ironic it would be to be hit by a car while carrying a First Aid Kit. A First Aid Kit with only three original "first aid" items left in it: gauze, aspirin, and ammonia inhalant.

I was so busy thinking about this that I didn't even notice when a car made a wide left turn and came towards me. Everything went black. When I woke up (it was apparently only seconds later, but I had no sense of how much time had passed) I noticed that the edge of the passenger-side bumper had given me a gash, right below the knee. The guy didn't even notice (or did, and it was a "hit and run") because he just kept driving away.

First thing I thought of was, "call 911" so I whipped out my cell phone, called them and told them where I was and about my (now heavily bleeding) gashed leg.

As shock wore off a sharp pain shot through my leg. There was blood coming out of the wound, pretty rapidly. I grabbed the gauze roll out of the First Aid Kit box and wrapped it around my leg as tightly as I could to try and stop the bleeding. I felt myself beginning to pass out, "No," I thought, "I have to stay conscious until the ambulance arrives." I grabbed one of the ammonia inhalants and took a big whiff, "Whoa!" that woke me up. I wonder if those aspirins are any good anymore. I took them, although they were a bit crumbled they were still white so I figured they were ok.

When the EMTs arrived, they couldn't believe that I was waiting for them, conscious. Unfortunately the First Aid Kit had fallen by the side of the road and the EMTs didn't grab it. When I went back later, the box was gone.

Of course, none of the above actually happened... oh except for I did get a free First Aid Kit box from Pick-n-Pull. That part was true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But what a GREAT story, if true.