Saturday, April 9, 2011

Clean Ass A Whistle!

Every now and then I come up with a brilliant idea that I have neither the knowledge to develop myself, nor the gumption to seek out a developer for.

This is one of those cases.

The idea: a pill that you take once a day that makes you poop "cleanly".
Description: ever had one of those dumps where, after a few turds plop out, you go to wipe and *gasp!* there is NO POOP on the toilet paper. You try again, to no avail! You have taken a CLEAN DUMP.
Well, imagine a once-a-day pill that could GUARANTEE a clean dump EVERY TIME or your money back? Imagine how much you'd save on toilet paper!

Anyhow, I'm claiming this idea right here, right now on this blog. If you develop such a miracle pill and make a killing, please send me $10,000 for the idea. That's all I'm asking. If, however, you refuse this generous offer, I will sue you for being an idea-stealer and probably end up with even MORE of your money. $10,000 is a bargain for this groundbreaking and insanely profitable product.

So get to work on my "Clean Ass A Whistle" pills, please. I'm broke and could really use that $10,000. As a bonus incentive to get you know-how types to work, I'm including a FREE product name "Clean Ass A Whistle"® (you'll actually have to do the trademark registration part, but it'll be totally worth it to have that name). In addition, you can use the small motto to include on your bottles: "No more toilet paper! No more tears!" which has the double meaning of "no more tearing your toilet paper" and "no more crying because it hurts when you wipe".

Yes, indeed, $10,000 is nothing short of an INSANE bargain for all that you're getting for free. I mean, you've got the product use, a name, a motto... all you need to do is actually make these pills (and make them work so you'll get rich).

*Note, if at a later date this future-product is found to cause ass-cancer, I will not be held responsible for coming up with the idea. All product liability comes with the $10,000 sale price. Please seek the manufacturer of this product for compensation for your pain, suffering, and medical bills. At the same time, don't be TOO hard on them. Try to remember "the good times" of years of wipe-free pooping. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the prospects of never wiping again outweigh any ass-cancer risks.