Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Goatee Diaries

This is... a goatee. Not to be confused with the mustache. It's been about three weeks. Meh.

The Goatee Diaries are now at an end. If you'd like further information on this topic, feel free to click on the above image for a higher resolution look at the fusion between blonde/brown/black curly hairs, freckles, and oily pores. But be warned: you may find yourself inescapably sucked into the vortex that is this hybrid of bad genes and bad grooming.


Joe said...

that looks like it could make a potentially-great handlebar mustache.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for a few holes to be filled in fully to consider that route, but a most interesting proposition. At least for one day...

NoJGenny said...

See? Blame the parents for everything. Sheesh.

Joe said...

Hey now let's be fair: he said a hybrid of genes and bad grooming. ;-)

NoJGenny said...

Actually he said, "bad genes." But you're right. In all fairness, it's just a word. Perhaps the genetic inability to grow a decent goatee is a good gene.

Joe said...

Haha that may very well be true! But what about the genetic inability to grow a good mustache? I mean, what if Little Joey can never be a police sergeant because his mustache simply won't grow enough?

NoJGenny said...

You could use an eyebrow pencil to fill in.

Joe said...

I think his fellow police officers might make fun of him for using an eyebrow pencil on his stache.

NoJGenny said...

Well, what are they doing watching you in the locker room?

Joe said...

It depends... is their ring finger longer than their index finger?

NoJGenny said...

Don't try to confuse me.

Joe said...

I'm not! It's a genuine question. Research shows a strong correlation between index/ring finger lengths and sexual orientation.

If ring finger is longer than index, then the male is typically heterosexual.

If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, the male is typically homosexual.

NoJGenny said...

And if you pull that finger, what happens?

Joe said...

If index finger is longer: "Ouchie! What you doin'?"

If index finger is shorter: *fart*

NoJGenny said...

Okay, I laughed. You win.

Joe said...


NoJGenny said...

I just realized...weren't we talking about Little Joey?

Joe said...

Yes but then it shifted to his imaginary co-worker police officers who may or may not be watching him for questionable reasons while he is filling in his mustache with an eyebrow pencil in the locker room.

NoJGenny said...

Oh, I laughed again. Out loud.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, my index finger and ring finger are the same length.

Joe said...

Yes but which one comes up higher on your middle finger?