Saturday, January 9, 2010

An Excellent Day

Today was truly an excellent day. First, I had my single-subject design class, which was both informative and entertaining. Dr. Wendy Williams truly is a marvelous professor, one who truly cares about her students and knows her stuff very well.

Then I went to see Daybreakers with 4 of my fellow experimental psych grad students and my roommates. Daybreakers was a very entertaining movie, and well worth the price of admission (I'll eventually put up a complete review over at Movie Posts Only).

After the movie, I went with two of my fellow grad students to The Tav, where we enjoyed a burger and a pint (and by the way, The Tav's burgers are AMAZING) and had some great discussions about psychology, our classes, fellow students, etc.

Finally, after leaving The Tav, I went over to another friend's house, where we hung out, watched TV, talked about stuff, and just chilled.

I haven't had such a social day in a long time. It was nice. And as if all this wasn't great enough, I get to see David Bazan play live in Seattle tomorrow! Just thought I'd share the joy.

I didn't bring my camera to document any of this day, unfortunately, so you'll just have to do with my ecstatic and exhausted face as I bid you goodnight.

1 comment:

NoJGenny said...

Must've been the 'stache.