Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Petty World of Basketball

Well, my team's intramural basketball season just ended. Our final record? 1 win, 7 losses. This last game was a complete blowout. When things really start going horrible in games I stay calm by amusing myself with "minigames" within the game. For instance, my "minigame" today was, "Let's see how much I can just bug the heck out of the other team's Player Number 10." Why number 10? Well, because he had curly bleached blonde hair, or "douchebag hair", as I call it. Plus he seemed to be a frail soul, wanting badly to perform well but with not quite enough confidence to truly do so.

So, whenever I guarded him I would just shove him constantly. It was awesome. Not one foul called against me (it's all about using the other player's body to block the ref's view of your shoving), and he finally erupted and elbowed me, yelling "STOP SHOVING ME DUDE WHAT ARE YOU RETARDED??!??!"... an action which earned him a foul. My reply? "Jeez, relax man, it's just a game." That made him even madder.

I don't know why I take such a great amount of pleasure in completely owning someone psychologically. Maybe it's my own small petty way of saying, "You guys may be killing us athletically, but intellectually I am your Master. Mwahahahaha!"


Anonymous said...

This fills me with an immeasurable amount of happiness. I think this is what Journey was talking about when they sang "Don't stop douchin'..."

djlol said...

In the famous words of the internet:


NoJGenny said...

Yes, but did you make friends?

Joe said...

Ummmmm with the players on MY team, yes!