Sunday, January 9, 2011

TODAY... 1/9/11 @ 2:39pm

I was searching for some healthier food for lunches and dinners and discovered what looked to be a roll of ground sausage but was actually a roll of some soft goop called "polenta." I don't think I've ever seen or eaten polenta before (though I've heard the name). Well, now I have some. I think I will add it to some chicken breast and see what happens. It claims to be "a healthy and tasty substitute for rice and pasta and tofu!" We will see.


NoJGenny said...

I think it's a fancy Italian name for corn mush.

Anonymous said...

Thought about it after work - then went to Wendy's for dinner. Take that, polenta.

Joe said...

It's hard to beat Wendy's on certain days.

NoJGenny said...

You are fickle, aren't you?

Joe said...

Well you didn't exactly make it sound appealing in your first comment...

Anonymous said...

More Wendy's again tonight.

Joe said...

I had a lamb chop and rice tonight (last night, I guess).

It was delicious.