Monday, January 31, 2011

Haircutting Floor

In celebration of filing my taxes, I decided to shave my poofy beard down into a stubble beard. Unfortunately, while this considerably improved the beard region, it now made the rest of my hair look very poofy.

So I decided to try out the haircutting kit I got for Christmas. I tried, for the first time, a MULTIPLE-LEVEL haircut, that involved going shortest at the bottom, one "blade level" up for the "mid-head", and one more level up for the top. From the front, it looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. From what I have been able to ascertain from awkward mirror neck bending, the back isn't bad either. However, tomorrow I will have someone else take a look to make sure I didn't miss anything / that I don't need to just scrap the whole thing and just buzz the whole head.

Here's to saving $10 on a bad haircut and just giving myself one!

Also (as I was retrieving the picture for upload), I came across this one, which makes me think of Tobias Fünke for some reason...


NoJGenny said...

I think it's perfect. I like the look.

Anonymous said...

Homemade haircuts are the way to be.