Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No Storms Come (well actually they do)

As I continue to narrow down my thesis research question, I'm realizing how much easier it would be to be a single-subject oriented behavior analysis research than it is to study psychopharmacology.

A research question like, "Does Drug A alleviate the withdrawal symptoms of Drug B?" seems simple enough... until you realize that you have to make sure that Drug A has a good safety profile, that I have subjects on Drug B (or make sure that Drug B effects rats in the same way as it does humans), and that I have someone on board who's medically certified to take care of any medical emergencies that arise.

It is awfully tempting to go with some sort of behavioral study such as "Does a paper sign encouraging people to wash their hands decrease the number of bacteria on an inside bathroom door handle?" It would be so much easier. But then, I don't really care about that question.

Finally, no one has the same level of enthusiasm as you yourself do about a research idea that you came up with.

This thesis business is stressful. Then again, this education, career, and life business is stressful as well.
I haven't felt real peace in years. This helps:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Godspeed. Sounds fascinating. Music is an incomparable solace.