Sunday, November 28, 2010

Finals week(s) craziness - trying to sleep

I graded papers all night, so I was both furious and exhausted, but I had so many cups of coffee that while I was mentally and physically exhausted, my heart was beating too fast and frenetically to allow me to sleep so I watched some "Community" and "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" to calm down, and I thought the best thing to combine with caffeine was some coffee-flavored beer, and I opted for one of my favorites from one of my favorite breweries: Great Divide Imperial Stout (Great Divide actually has some oak-aged stouts and porters and they have some coffee infused and chocolate infused stouts, but this was the normal imperial stout, unfortunately).

Needless to say, I am both groggy and relaxed at 2:17PST AM. BUT --- the impetus for this post was to admit a COLOSSAL failure on my part. This is a failure that has affected my life for YEARS.

I was watching "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" episode 608 'The Gang Gets a New Member,' and while it featured one of my favorite SNL cast members from the current cast, Jason Sudeikis, it ALSO featured one of my favorite Star Trek veterans.

And herein lies my embarrassing failure: when I saw the actor playing Dee's old high school drama teacher Dr. Meyers, I immediately thought to myself "It's Odo! - It's Armin Shimerman!"

Odo, as of course you know, was the head of security on the Deep Space Nine space station in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," and he was a testy but lovable member of the shapeshifting species "The Founders." I had this EXACT same thought when I saw Mr. Shimerman appear in several episodes of "Frasier" back in season season 8 as Frasier Crane's old psychology professor to whom Frasier turned for guidance while he was unemployed and searching for a purpose for his life.

But, dammit all, it hit me when I saw the credits for "It's Always Sunny": the actor who played Quark on "Deep Space Nine" and "The Next Generation" (and Letek and DaiMon in earlier episodes of "The Next Generation") was Armin Shimerman.

The name of the actor who played Odo, Dr. Meyers, and Professor Tewksberry is Rene Auberjonois.

Even though I knew the actor who played everyone's favorite Ferengi is Armin Shimerman, I had ALSO been incorrectly identifying everyone's favorite Founder as Armin Shimerman for nearly 10 years. This is quite embarrassing, and I couldn't sleep without confessing my errors and trying to find redemption by doing this publicly via The Boring Things.

*All spelling and formatting errors can be addressed to Great Divide Brewing Co., 2201 Arapahoe St. Denver, CO 80205*


Nate B said...

Joe said...

At least you've now seen the errors of your ways. Confession is good for the soul.