Friday, January 29, 2010

He Can't Do That!

Joe expresses moral outrage at the Ellensburg PD's indifferent attitude towards jaywalkers.


NoJGenny said...

You know, a policeman is never around when you need one.

dj said...

Don't you ever watch "Cops" ?

They're way too busy planting evidence on unsuspecting drivers that they just pull over for no reason. And cocaine. Lots of cocaine.

Anonymous said...

Jaywalkers are going to find themselves a special place in hell.

Merridy and Lucas said...

that sucks, just sucks, unbelievable, the law is the law. we got to have some law and order around here, dang

Joe said...

I can't think of anything clever.

NoJGenny said...

You must still be in shock, after witnessing such a travesty.