It did quite well, actually! Only problem was a broken alternator mounting bracket on the way down to Reno, which I managed to jury-rig into a temporary fix just to get me into Reno. Once in Reno I purchased a 50¢ piece of metal at the local surplus/junkyard, and cut it into a brand new bracket. Viola! Best of all, this new bracket is way higher-quality and stronger than the one that broke. This one won't be breaking anytime soon.
The drive from Ellensburg to Reno took me about 15.5 hours, and I got about 45 miles per gallon.
On the drive back to Ellensburg, I went way faster (due to less traffic + my impatience to get back so I could start on some school things that I have due, um, tomorrow). Unfortunately, with this speed (70-75 mph the whole way), there was a fuel mileage sacrifice. I "only" got about 38 miles per gallon on the way back to Ellensburg, but it did shave 1.5 hours off the trip.
I must say I'm quite pleased with my $650 purchase.