Monday, October 12, 2009

More CWU isms

So apparently the price of great auto-flushing toilets campus-wide is a fascist "No Food or Drink in the Library" policy. How am I supposed to engage in mega-paper-writing-and-or-studying sessions without the benefit of food or drink?

On the other hand, I was encouraged by the head of my grad program to "sneak a drink in your jacket into the library and just go look through the scientific journals!"

It certainly brings a new appreciation for UNR's liberal "Sure bring your Flamin' Hot Cheetos and Double Gulp into the library!" policies.

On another topic:
Anyone have any good thesis ideas for me? (Keeping in mind my field of study is psychology...)


Anonymous said...

Library Nazis

NoJGenny said...

I love the photo illustrating today's boring things. So apropos. Thesis idea: Do food and drink enhance study performance? Do suggestions from authority figures that rule-breaking is advisable increase rule breaking? What is a thesis?

dj said...

Societal Rule Setting: What behavioral factors cause institutions to set up the rules and regulations they do? Even the silly ones?

Anonymous said...

DJ is on the right track. Take bans on public urination, for example. A natural bodily function of necessity, yet certain municipalities and organizations strongly frown upon the practice.

Rules don't get any more arbitrary and illogical than that!

Joe said...

Funny you should mention public urination. Apparently around here it's a big enough "problem" to warrant radio ads warning college students that they can be fined and arrested for the deed.

I've never lived in a place with PSAs that asked people not to pee in public.

dj said...

I don't know if you've ever taken a class from Dr. Dobra at UNR, but he has a list of odd laws he's found: