Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Adjusting My Expectations for Better Auto-Flushers

One aspect of the move from the University of Nevada at Reno to Central Washington University is adjusting to the differences between the auto-flush toilets.

You see, at UNR, the auto-flushers are quite zealous in their desire to flush your turd/paper/toilet-seat-cover down the hatch. So much so that it was often a balancing act at UNR to get your toilet seat cover set down on the seat and then quickly turn and sit yourself on the seat as well so the overzealous auto-flusher doesn't immediately gobble down your freshly-laid toilet-seat-cover, which would result in having to pull out a fresh one and tear the three little thingys to get it laid down right again.

So, that is the background I come from: get more than 8 inches from the sensor on the UNR auto-flushers and they will happily devour anything you have (or have not) left in the can.

Now I come to CWU's auto-flushers. These guys are truly, almost-unfathomably well-designed automatic turd-disposers. The CWU auto-flushers are happy to wait until you have actually LEFT the stall before politely consuming your deposits. In fact, when I first came into contact with this better-working form of auto-flusher, I thought it didn't work, and pressed the "manual" flush button before I left the stall, only to be greeted by the sound of ANOTHER flush AFTER I left the stall. Be patient with me, CWU auto-flushers, I am just learning to trust you.


noGJorge said...

The overzealous flushers are particularly annoying when you are sitting there reading and you reach down get a pencil out of your briefcase...then you have to remember to do the cheeks first when you wipe.

NoJGenny said...

I read it here, first!, on The Boring Things.

Joe said...

Yes, the cheek-splash of the overzealous flusher is indeed infuriating.

And yes, you read it here first! Hopefully the beginning of a revolution of better-working auto-flushers!

Anonymous said...

My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!