Friday, July 10, 2009

Are We Not Men? We are the Boring Things!

As this blog has slowly degenerated into infrequent updates and mostly Junk Food Interest posting topics, I began to think, "What is the future of The Boring Things in Life?"

The future, my friends, IS The Boring Things in Life. Unlike the vast majority of bloggers, who post for a short while before quickly realizing that no one gives a crap about their blog, they're not making an impact in any way, and all their posts are completely irrelevant entertainment fast-food, The Boring Things will buck this trend and continue to survive and thrive in the face of these facts.

"How can you continue if you already have come to the point of recognizing your own irrelevancy?" you may ask.  Because we enjoy reading our own witticisms. I occasionally go back over me and Ben's older posts and comments on older posts, and still get an enjoyable chuckle out of our drollery. Why would I (or we) stop posting, when through this blog we can encapsulate so many precious moments of our own brilliance for many years to come? 

To stop posting would be to stop reminding myself of the clever thought I had a week ago. And why would I want to risk losing those gems to the nonexistence of unrecorded history?


Anonymous said...

My mind is a factory, and its irreverent and irrelevant sludge (which doesn't manage to make its way from my nasal cavities to the wide-open digital plains of Facebook pointlessness) demands an outlet! My brain sludge demands an outlet into the world, as the human psyche cannot support such a vast and labyrinthine complex of random irrelevancies, and thus The Boring Things lives on! It is part of the human condition.

NoJGenny said...

Here, here.