Sunday, June 17, 2012

A 7-11 post, because why not?

After this sad but logical announcement of the reduction in size of the 7-11 Double Gulp, and after a brief but enjoyable hour-long running/jogging/walking session listening to a podcast of geeks in their 30s discussing Prometheus, I stopped by 7-11 to experience the new, smaller Double Gulp. 
As you can see, even though 64 to 50 ounces sounds like a major reduction, I was not disappointed nor did my memory suddenly remind me of the fondness of the over-sized and awkward grip I had on original Double Gulps. Now, all this being said, I am ready for a re-fill. Would those 14 ounces have made a difference? Yes. 12 ounces is a single soda can. So. All this is to say that 7-11 has a new Double Gulp. It is acceptable, but you end up finishing it quicker than their classic Double Gulps. And I could have finished grading 3-4 essays in the time I spent writing this and figuring out the best way to get a photo on my phone to Blogger for this post. The Superman Returns Slurpee cup and the empty (or is it?) taquitos wrapper on the counter? My computer being on my kitchen counter? My choice of Instagram filter? The microwave that is probably leaking radiation when used because of damages sustained by Todd and Greg's airsoft wars? These are all topics for another evening - perhaps even topics for another man to discuss. 

Now, off to grade essays. Or, to watch Hara-Kiri Death of a Samurai. Choices, decisions...These are the moments life and fate are made of. Is fate real? Does it matter? I'm going to go ask my beheaded android friend David and we'll discuss these matters while traveling from this moon, which is not a planet, and not the same moon/planet from Alien, as we travel together in my flute-navigated spaceship in search of answers to these profound and original questions. Oh, and what is in my Double Gulp? Black goop.

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