Thursday, August 4, 2011

Read (reed or red?)

"In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus uses the word dynamis to refer to His miracles, warning the cities in which He performed them that they would be judged most harshly for not being more impressed. Jesus is also the pharmakon, the Medicine, and, obliquely, the pharmakos, the scapegoat, the one who heals the village by being sacrificed."
- Dale Pendell, Pharmako/Dynamis

"Many of us do not see a pattern to our life or understand the purpose behind our individual experiences. We walk most of our lives in the dark, without attaining nearly as much understanding as we would like, even when we do occasionally catch a glimpse of God's grand design."
- Richard Foster & Gayle Beebe, Longing for God

"Some ideas are harder to realize than others. Once an idea is realized, it can be discarded. It's the ones you can't see that are dangerous. The dark angels. They can control you. Do. You can't see them because they are behind you.
Better to put your ideas in front."
- Dale Pendell, Pharmako/Poeia

[On 1840's super-speedy surgeon, Robert Liston]:
"Amputated the leg [in] under 2 1/2 minutes (the patient died afterward in the ward from hospital gangrene, they usually did in those pre-Listerian days). He amputated, in addition, the fingers of his young assistant (who died afterward in the ward from hospital gangrene, they usually did in those pre-Listerian days). He also slashed the coattails of a distinguished surgical spectator, who was so terrified that the knife had pierced his vitals he dropped dead from fright.
That was the only operation in history with a 300 percent mortality."
- Richard Gordon, Great Medical Disasters

1 comment:

NoJGenny said...

Interesting flow of thoughts here.