Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Perfect Apartment

Thinking about returning to school in September, I decided to start browsing apartment listings to find one that was reasonably priced, in a good location, and with amenities that I desire (such as on-site laundry).

I found the perfect one. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. $870-1035/month. On-site laundry. Billiard room. Even a basketball court! With a roommate, this would only be $435-$520 month per person. At first glance, I thought this seemed a bit pricey. That is, until I realized that the rent included all utilities and high-speed internet.

Until you have roommates, the pleasures of not having to share a bathroom may not be altogether clear. This is not to say that by having your own bathroom it makes it any less dirty than it would otherwise be. BUT it's your OWN dirt. That disturbingly-disgusting thing on your bathroom floor? Gross, yeah, but it also came from you, not someone else, and that alone lowers its disgustingness-factor by at least 1000.

Aside from the bathrooms, of course, this apartment has a lot going for it: close to campus (important for someone who does not currently, and may not in September, have a car), fairly spacious for a two-person apartment, and "superior sound insulation." In an apartment complex close to a college campus, the importance sound insulation cannot be underestimated. I have yet to hear someone's loud music/party/bedtime-activities and think, "Whoa that: is a cool song / sounds like a fun party / seems like someone I should get to know." Even IF someone happens to be listening to a song I like, they are listening to it at a volume that I do not appreciate (ie a volume at which I can tell what song it is from my room).

So, yes, this seems like a nice place to live. Even if my furniture isn't as nice as the furniture in the picture.


Anonymous said...

Sweet deal!

Anonymous said...

I like this website, will back here everyday! This is what i was looking for

apartments atlanta ga said...

Getting your own place that's affordable is definitely the way to go. Congratulations! Renters out there just need to be more patient and they'll soon find a sweet deal like what you got for your new home.