Sunday, March 27, 2011

Random collection of reasons I was disappointed with "Lost" season 6

  • The flash sideways didn't dig deeply into the characters personal lives like the flash backs
  • The flash sideways lives of the characters didn't connect with the island-world in a satisfying way - I thought the plot of the flash sideways was going somewhere, but it just ended with each character having their "flash" of the island life and then they all went to the church - so why did all the events/storylines of the flash sideways matter?
  • The introduction and destruction of the temple (yes it was mentioned in previous seasons but the explanation of it, the time spent there, and eventual payoff with the temple and the new characters introduced felt really pointless in the overall previous 5-season scheme of things)
  • The explanation of the island's power/energy
  • The lack of a true origin story for "The Others"
  • The purpose and Ben and Hurley remaining as caretakers (originally, Jacob and his mother were caretakers and the Man in Black wanted control, just like Widmore and Ben wanted control - but what would control of the island really have done for the "bad guys"?)
  • Moving the island with the frozen donkey wheel wasn't satisfactorily explained
  • The Hanso corporation's background and the background of DHARMA and the DHARMA home base in Ann Harbor all had serious gaps in their explanation
  • The Egyptian motif all over the island wasn't explained
  • I thought the explanation of Smokey was disappointing
  • John Locke's demise was disappointing, to say the least
  • The concept of fate that supposedly brought all these broken people together to work together and find resolution (which was carried through to Michael being unable to kill himself while on the mainland because "the island isn't done" with him) all seemed to be diminished by the explanation that Jacob chose them all because one of them would take over for him
    • I really wanted fate/faith/redemption to play a huge role in the overall explanation, and the simple purgatory, we ALL get to move on message at the very end made everything else feel like it was pointless if all the main characters got to move on - even Ben staying on the island with Hurley felt wrong after all the shit he pulled - where was his comeuppance? He had some really emotional apologies/realizations in season 6, but so what? At least have him die sacrificing himself by killing Locke in a really epic final battle!)
    • The point that they all find meaning and happiness in the afterlife seems to diminish the struggle to find meaning and happiness in life - was the afterlife going to be a complete shitstorm before they spent a few months together on the magic island, but now that they all learned important things about themselves they're guaranteed a great spot together in a blissful nirvana/heaven?
  • Desmond's abilities/powers/special place at the center of everything wasn't ever truly explained. The only actual explanation was the explosion of the hatch, but he was "special" before that, right? So why him? What made Eloise and the island choose him? Was it his selfless, determined spirit and personality?
  • Eloise Hawking - major player, without a complete explanation of her past and significance to the island and her role as a guardian/watcher of time like Madame Web
  • Crazy Claire and Widmore's goons were two major storylines on the island which took a ton of time away from more important and more interesting storylines that could have been addressed, or the time could have been better spent adding content to other more significant plotlines
  • I wanted a lot more Farady. A lot more.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Someday they should do a "re-make" of "LOST" but with absolutely NO similarities to the original and see if anyone notices.