Friday, July 16, 2010

"Seinfeld" Moments

To this day, "Seinfeld" remains at or near the pinnacle of television irreverence. The show perfectly encapsulated the pointlessness and frustrations and humor of life's daily minutiae, while at the same time making brilliant commentary about American life and how this minutiae means so much and makes up the identity of so many blind and ignorant people.

The show reflects perfectly upon the last 20 years of American day-to-day life. And because of this, my daily life is filled with what I often identify as "Seinfeld" moments. These are moments and events which reflect a moment, joke, or event from the TV show, but exist as a reflection upon a frustratingly stupid and yet funny aspect of ordinary minute-to-minute human existence in modern America.

Example: The neighbor below my apartment has his bathroom fan running almost 24/7. Why? Who knows...But the point it, this is loud and annoying when I want some quiet time or am trying to go to sleep and am extra sensitive to noise. Thus, my mind immediately recalls "Seinfeld" episode season 9, episode 7, in which Elaine's neighbor goes on vacation but their alarm clock continues to go off, so Elaine tries to short out the circuit next door to make the clock stop.

Thus, what I term a "Seinfeld" moment.

So, today begins a new and never-ending series of "Seinfeld" moments from day-to-day life. Sometimes the connection will be strong and relevant and relatable, while other times it will be a personal linkage I have because "Seinfeld" has left such an indelible mark upon the depths of my psyche.

"Seinfeld" moment: tipping the cashier

I went to a burrito shop today for lunch and paid with cash. However, when handing me my change back, the cashier immediately turned around to fix something for the next order. But, as I do at most coffee shops, cafes, and smaller establishments with a tip jar, I try and put a $1 in. But what good is a tip like this if the cashier doesn't SEE you thanking them and rewarding them in this fashion? This is a common grievance I have, and this event is highlighted by George Costanza's similar desire in "Seinfeld" season 7 episode 20 when George buys a calzone and tips the cashier, but the cashier doesn't notice so George pulls out his tip to place it in the jar when someone is looking, and of course this action is rewarded with the accusation of stealing from the tip jar and he is forever banned from the calzone shop.

I am now hungry for a calzone...Oh so many moments of my food-life are connected to "Seinfeld" food references...This is going to be a long, constant, meandering, and most importantly very pointless series on The Boring Things!

Upcoming The Boring Things posts to look forward to:
-"People I want to murder"
-"Places I never want to visit"
-"Stories about objects in my apartment"
-"Embarrassing and horrible thoughts I had, but would never admit to another person"


NoJGenny said...

What happens if one of the people on your list really does get murdered? Who do you think will be first on the list of suspects? Huh, Mr. Negative?

Joe said...

Wow, zing!

Ben, your summer sounds like it's going to drive you insane with boredom and trying to find things to do to occupy yourself.

However, I really am looking forward to your promised forthcoming posts. They sound like a dazzling display of dizzying proportions.

NoJGenny said...


Anonymous said...

If someone on my murder list gets murdered, they probably had it coming. Prove it was me. Just prove it!