Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Endangered species

If a species is endangered, but it doesn't serve a vital function beyond existing as a unique subset of the animal kingdom and as a piece of creation which will forever be gone from this planet when extinct, then WHY try to save it? Whales eat fish and seals, and keep the oceans under control* - save them. Salmon are delicious - save them. Gray wolves keep elk populations under control - save them. Pandas look cute and inspire stuffed animals and animated films - why save them? According to the World Wildlife Foundation, "The survival of the panda and the protection of its habitat will ensure that people living in the region continue to reap ecosystem benefits for many generations." So, to answer the question, NO ONE HAS A GOOD ANSWER AS TO WHY PANDA SURVIVAL MATTERS.

There is something sad and tragic about the idea of extinction - of any sort - but at a certain point, you need to be able to articulate the overall WHY behind such a cause, and if that isn't possible, then perhaps an activist or a biologist might be better served fighting for a cause with an actual purpose.

*How do whales keep the oceans "under control," you may ask? Like this.


Joe said...

I've always believed that animals who have trouble with such a fundamental thing as mating and reproduction are not worthy to continue existing on this earth.

Anonymous said...

Get horny, dammit, or get dead!