Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This space reserved for my evening musings on boring stuff

Lately I have been abusing Twitter (Twitter.com/@Ben) rather than updating The Boring Things with uninteresting stories and observations. Because, at 3am, when a spark of boring genius strikes, it's much easier to jot it down in 140 characters than to actually think about writing a full paragraph. Plus, most of my thoughts are foul and abrasive and are more like the ramblings and mutterings of a 75-year-old sitting on his porch than actual thoughts.

So, I don't feel like writing a lot tonight either, but as a way of making amends, I'll open my stream of conscious for The Boring Things for the rest of the evening.

  • 10:13 "Lost" was disappointing yet again and I'm not sure how they'll be able to satisfactorily wrap up the entire series in the final few episodes. Also, downloading the Canadian broadcast @7:30 and then tweeting/Facebooking about Lost before my other West Coast friends see it gives me more joy than such a stupid privilege really should.
  • 10:16 Even though I know the novel and the story of apartheid within South Africa have "hopeful" endings, I still get sad reading Cry, the Beloved Country.
  • 10:22 I still hate ironing. See http://www.theboringthings.com/2009/02/servitude.html and http://www.theboringthings.com/2009/04/update-ironing-still-sucks.html for my previous insights on this issue.
  • 10:23 Broken Bells is enjoyable for a brief listen occasionally, but they're overrated and all of this hype is pissing me off.
  • 10:35 An above average streaming music station: www.relevant.fm
  • 10:40 I watched "Sherlock Holmes" this weekend and was thoroughly entertained. It reminded me of the classic Bond films. I was also pleased to see it was presented on BluRay in an aspect ratio of 1.77:1 so the image filled the whole screen. Can't wait for the sequel.
  • 10:44 I just ran out of coffee. Less boring things and more productivity.
  • 10:56 Joe Roth, co-owner of the Seattle Sounders FC, was a producer on "Angels in the Outfield" and "Major League," but he was also responsible for "Young Guns II," "The Exorcist III," and "Revenge of the Nerds II."
  • 11:01 Why can't Seth MacFarlane always produce funny work? How can a genuinely funny guy create such a wide assortment of crap with the hilarity being so rare?
  • 11:16 Why can you say "ass" as much as you like on TV, but when combined with the word "hole," it must be bleeped out?
  • 11:30 Watching David Letterman tweet is like watching _____________. Analogy mind fart.
  • 11:33 Having an extra ticket to go see Conan's live show feels like having Force powers. I could use this for good, or for evil.
  • 11:58 I am more looking forward to my 21 minutes of new South Park tomorrow than a 24-year old male with a college degree and steady job should.
  • 11:59 Crap I should have gone to sleep sooner.


Anonymous said...

HTML fail.

Joe said...

I enjoyed that. I shall have to follow your Twitter account more closely. Mind you, if I comment on your twitter, it WILL involve Brent Spiner...

NoJGenny said...

Feel better?