Friday, October 30, 2009

The Economics of Top Ramen

Today I purchased several packages of "Top Ramen". They were on sale at Fred Meyer for 10¢ each (the normal price? 14¢ each). Buying this got me thinking, how is possible that Top Ramen is SOOOO cheap? I mean there's the plastic, the little flavor pouch, the actual "ingredients", but then you also have to ship it across the ocean, pay the distributor, pay the retailer... it's amazing to me not only that I can purchase Top Ramen for 10¢ but that stores bother carrying it. Why? What are you making like a penny per pouch of Top Ramen sold? What's your motivation? Ohhhhhh these stomach grumbles are telling me why Top Ramen is so cheap....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today... 10/29 @ 8:45pm

I bought a 21 oz. container of some delicious Safeway soup and heated some up for dinner along with some bread. It was great. But I saved the other half for lunch tomorrow. VICTORY, ME.

UPDATE: I had the leftover soup for lunch today. Verdict? The reheated soup was found guilty of being awesome.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

WORLD PREMIERE: Refrigerator: Love is in the Air

Like an idiot, I made this movie in widescreen. So, embedding doesn't work very well. Go here to watch the video:

Monday, October 12, 2009

More CWU isms

So apparently the price of great auto-flushing toilets campus-wide is a fascist "No Food or Drink in the Library" policy. How am I supposed to engage in mega-paper-writing-and-or-studying sessions without the benefit of food or drink?

On the other hand, I was encouraged by the head of my grad program to "sneak a drink in your jacket into the library and just go look through the scientific journals!"

It certainly brings a new appreciation for UNR's liberal "Sure bring your Flamin' Hot Cheetos and Double Gulp into the library!" policies.

On another topic:
Anyone have any good thesis ideas for me? (Keeping in mind my field of study is psychology...)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sunday Go To Church

So last Sunday I finally decided to start looking for a church here in Ellensburg, WA. I won't mention what church I went to in case by some distant chance someone from that church should somehow end up reading this post (I know: a one in several million chance, but nonetheless). However, if I know you personally and you want to know a great church in Ellensburg to avoid, let me know.

Anyhow, I walked in the "foyer" and was greeted by a bulletin-bearing woman who gave me that fakey-church-smile and said, "Hi! Are you with the college group?"
"Ummm, I go to Central but I'm not really with any particular gr..." I started,
"Oh well! They're sitting right up at the front there on the right side, dearie!" she continued in her saccharine-but-not-listening-at-all-to-what-I'm-saying voice.
So, I politely went to the "area" for "the college group."

Now, I've seen some homely people on the CWU campus. I've even seen a few people that might be described as "ugly." However, this "college group" must have assembled every single homely-to-ugly personage on the CWU campus. I ended up sitting next to one of those people, who, even utilizing all my rationalization, sympathy, and ability to "look past the outside", quite simply, disgusted me. I know, it's terrible to say. But it's true. His wiping his nose on his sleeve really drove this disgust home. Grand slam. I was revolted.

So, after enduring a few minutes of typical "we're contemporary but there are also a majority of people in this room over 60 years old" worship, I settled in to hopefully hear a good sermon. He started off OK, but then he got to his scripture: "Let's all stand to read the scriptures."
Oh, I stood up all right. I stood up and headed for the nearest exit. There's nothing that rubs me the wrong way like pastors/people who, in their public appearances, ask others to "stand with me" to read the scriptures. I get it: you're showing (to all of us) how much you "respect" the Bible. But tell me, when you are studying at home, do you stand everytime you start to read the Bible? No? Then making a public show "stand to read the scriptures" is nothing short of hypocritical and a grand show of "look how spiritual I must be!"

Well, one down. Dozens to go.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This man is not "lovin' it" at McDonalds

I know no context for this video besides the fact that it takes place at a McDonalds inside a Wal*Mart somewhere in the South. My favorite part is when he screams at the mother who asks him to watch his mouth in front of her children. NSFW.

EMBED-Fat Guy Screams for McDonald's Chicken

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Vampire Pt. 2

I just need some fangs.

Just another night in Ellensburg.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I just scootered (one of those "razor" or whatever it is thingys) down to Safeway to buy my contribution to tomorrow night's Experimental Psychology spaghetti dinner. Ah yes, and I fell a few times because the dang thing doesn't like deep cracks in the sidewalk.

TODAY... 10/1/09 @ 4:04 PM

I walked past a girl whose sweatshirt said "Babymill".

I guess we all have our own aspirations.