Monday, August 31, 2009

A new series: "TODAY..."

This website was started in the aims of sharing all of the inane, insane, random, yet boredom-inducing occurrences and observations that strike Joe and I on any given day at any given moment.

I was crushed five minutes ago to discover that this was not a wholly original idea, as there exists a website called "My Life Is Average." According to their official statement,

"MyLifeIsAverage is a place to share your everyday mediocrity. It is a place to post the mundane things in your life, and read about what makes life normal for other people.

We believe that for every fail story, or good story, there are about a million normal stories. So tell the world what makes your life average. Anyone can submit a story, because everyone's lives are unexciting and insignificant at some time or another."

The posts on MLIA are reminiscent of Twitter and Facebook updates in that they are brief 2-3 sentence recaps of a random, funny, or just plain insignificant occurrence or observation in someone's life.

For example, here's my personal favorite post from the thousands of today's posts on MLIA:

"Today I had a day off. I went to IKEA dressed as a lion and hid in a cupboard, welcoming people to Narnia every time they opened the doors. Best day off ever."

So, what shall be done about the fact that The Boring Things in Life isn't a wholly original idea and MLIA is run by thousands of user-submitted blurbs and thus Joe and I have no chance of besting the success or entertainment of this competition?


So, I'd like to introduce the newest series on The Boring Things in Life called "TODAY..."

Rather than try and remember and regurgitate the funniest or most enjoyable snippet of our lives, Joe and I will plumb the depths of our 24-hour memories to try and bring you, our 2-5 occasional readers, a glimpse into our boring lives which will be so mind-numbingly boring that you'll actually believe for just a second that you couldn't possibly be more bored reading about us being bored by a moment in our days in which we couldn't believe at the time just how bored we were.

TODAY... 8/31/09 @ 5:07pm
I was sitting on the couch watching a commentator on The Golf Channel draw a stick figure on a white board explaining how to hit a sand shot when the ball is below your feet... and it was boring.


Joe said...

That does sound boring. This is the beginning of a magnificent new series that will doubtless numb the hearts and minds of our occasional 2-5 readers.

NoJGenny said...

Hah! You don't know that you've got only 2-5 readers. We all lurk and read anonymously. You could be boring lots more than you ever know. Is this new thing like a daily twitter? Whatever it is, don't totally abandon the old form. Remember, you introduced the world to Baconnaise.

Anonymous said...

I fully expect this to be as regular and consistent as our various other "regular" series.

Joe said...

Yes, we've run up quite a few "regular" series thus far. But at three entries, this one is already winning.