1984 take-home literary analysis final essay
In George Orwell’s political allegory 1984 the Party of Oceania develops a government which is able to exert complete and total control over all of its citizens through their ability to dictate to the citizens what is and is not true. Truth is defined as
1. the true or actual state of a matter
2. conformity with fact or reality
3. actuality or actual existence
In the climactic scene where O’Brien is torturing, interrogating, and “reforming” Winston, O’Brien says “Only the disciplined mind can see reality, Winston. You believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in its own right. You also believe that the nature of reality is self-evident. When you delude yourself into thinking that you see something, you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you. But I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes; only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be truth is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party (205).”
In a well-developed five-paragraph literary analysis essay, explain the ways in which the Party is able to define “truth” and “reality” for all of Oceania and analyze why these measures are so effective in leading to 100% control and domination of the human mind and free will.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Only 2 Seats Available
So, on my just-finished flight from Reno to Seattle, there were a grand total of just TWO open seats. One was next to me. How? Well, would YOU sit next to this guy?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
This space reserved for my evening musings on boring stuff
Lately I have been abusing Twitter (Twitter.com/@Ben) rather than updating The Boring Things with uninteresting stories and observations. Because, at 3am, when a spark of boring genius strikes, it's much easier to jot it down in 140 characters than to actually think about writing a full paragraph. Plus, most of my thoughts are foul and abrasive and are more like the ramblings and mutterings of a 75-year-old sitting on his porch than actual thoughts.
So, I don't feel like writing a lot tonight either, but as a way of making amends, I'll open my stream of conscious for The Boring Things for the rest of the evening.
- 10:13 "Lost" was disappointing yet again and I'm not sure how they'll be able to satisfactorily wrap up the entire series in the final few episodes. Also, downloading the Canadian broadcast @7:30 and then tweeting/Facebooking about Lost before my other West Coast friends see it gives me more joy than such a stupid privilege really should.
- 10:16 Even though I know the novel and the story of apartheid within South Africa have "hopeful" endings, I still get sad reading Cry, the Beloved Country.
- 10:22 I still hate ironing. See http://www.theboringthings.com/2009/02/servitude.html and http://www.theboringthings.com/2009/04/update-ironing-still-sucks.html for my previous insights on this issue.
- 10:23 Broken Bells is enjoyable for a brief listen occasionally, but they're overrated and all of this hype is pissing me off.
- 10:35 An above average streaming music station: www.relevant.fm
- 10:40 I watched "Sherlock Holmes" this weekend and was thoroughly entertained. It reminded me of the classic Bond films. I was also pleased to see it was presented on BluRay in an aspect ratio of 1.77:1 so the image filled the whole screen. Can't wait for the sequel.
- 10:44 I just ran out of coffee. Less boring things and more productivity.
- 10:56 Joe Roth, co-owner of the Seattle Sounders FC, was a producer on "Angels in the Outfield" and "Major League," but he was also responsible for "Young Guns II," "The Exorcist III," and "Revenge of the Nerds II."
- 11:01 Why can't Seth MacFarlane always produce funny work? How can a genuinely funny guy create such a wide assortment of crap with the hilarity being so rare?
- 11:16 Why can you say "ass" as much as you like on TV, but when combined with the word "hole," it must be bleeped out?
- 11:30 Watching David Letterman tweet is like watching _____________. Analogy mind fart.
- 11:33 Having an extra ticket to go see Conan's live show feels like having Force powers. I could use this for good, or for evil.
- 11:58 I am more looking forward to my 21 minutes of new South Park tomorrow than a 24-year old male with a college degree and steady job should.
- 11:59 Crap I should have gone to sleep sooner.
Oh the Joys of Photo Booth
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
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